I enjoy reading your article. Borrowing this place to find like-minded people in Hong Kong: Are there anyone from Hong Kong also reading this? Comment below or dm me if you would like to connect. Thanks!

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There was a German civilian perspective, Victor Klemperer was a German literary scholar and diarist. His journals, published posthumously in Germany in 1995, detailed his life in Natzi Germany, the parallels between life as a German Jew, living in Germany during Third Reich, 1933 -1945, and the Un-vaccinated in 2021 - 2022 dove tail.

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sounds interesting, is it called "the Lesser Evil" https://www.amazon.com/Lesser-Evil-Diaries-Klemperer-1945-1959-ebook/dp/B00DRI0P34

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Klemperer.pdf, "I shall bare whitness", free download. I consider you to be the smoking gun of Poison-19, I want an autograph copy of your new book, name your price!

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Since you mention it, I offer that on my website, for a set price, here is the link. I personally ship them and I would add a personal message.

I found places to buy the book. I prefer paper for something that long. easier on the eyes.


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Check this link. It didn’t take me there.

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That is the link, if you use anti-virus software it is blocking my website. McAfee continues to falsely block my website as dangerous and I have filed multiple tickets with them. They still haven't responded. Search "The Covid Code" on EBay if you can't get to thrillkillmedicalcult.com

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Perfect, I will get that order out this weekend. Thanks for all you do, cheers.

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''to heard an entire race of people''

What race was that?

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My work on Our planet is to solve for the psychopaths in control who bring Us all kinds of lies and deaths... To that end, I offer:

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

The End of Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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Hi Zowe. Great article! I also had an interesting view during the plandemic and saw all of the fraud being facilitated by my company for almost 2 years until I resigned during their injection mandate. You are the first fellow medical worker I've run into who chose to quit rather than participating in the mass genocide. Thank you for having the guts to do so, rather than following the crowd. I'm still unemployed almost 2.5 years later and life is hard, but I know I made the right decision and would do it again if given the chance. I think I've been placed on some sort of do-not-hire list, because I've landed 3 interviews in the last 2.5 years though I've put in more applications than I can count. I'm still trying to figure out this entrepreneur thing since it seems to be my only option. It's encouraging to hear you are making your way. Keep it up, girl! Shine your light!

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I’m not making light of all this…I just wanna say, I love My life with the thrill kill kult…Nice choosing for your handle! Caught my eye!!! It was also a very good article…I was in and out of the hospital (during Covid) with my husband that had sepsis and got to see a lot of the BS first hand…including a couple of nurses that lost all bed side manners and DEMANDED my husband put his mask back on as he was being transferred to a bed…they became very authoritarian and downright mean…I was in shock and awe the way they treated him…I was always under the impression that doctors and nurses were in their profession because they truly cared about helping people…boy were my eyes opened…it’s amazing how turncoat people can get when they feel they have authority over another…I actually got to over hear an older nurse telling the younger ones that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make tons of money…don’t waste it! We were appalled!! I wonder to this day if any of those people are sorry for the part they played!!

Thanks, I look forward to reading your book!

Best regards

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I was/am equally shocked by the sudden lack of respect for humanity by those who claim to care. The paradox is staggering.

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"I don’t know how many kids still learn about the holocaust in school anymore, but kids at my school learned about it. We were told that sometimes governments use propaganda, it’s bad, and it looks exactly like this one German campaign. Anything outside of this one template couldn’t possibly be lies from media or our government."


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Yea...well did you know the model of education used in the USA is the same one used in Hitler's Germany?

It is called 'The Prussian Model of Compulsory Education"

Ya think you were taught the truth in a compulsory setting?

Every Government engages in propaganda all the time, after all Government is 'mind control' it is done through fear, fraud, coercion, threats of enFORCEment and enFORCEment itself.

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I did know that, the prison system goes back to Russia and it has been used across the globe since then. People don't realize this while growing up in the system.

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Wow. Thank you for that one.

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This resonated with me. I’m a retired citizen journalist who specialized in Big Pharma initially because of the Opioid Epidemic but it quickly expanded to vaccines and then glyphosate and gut diseases. Everything you say is true. Excellent work!

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Small win in Queensland Australia through the Supreme Court for those interested. Vaccine mandates deemed totally unlawful. Cannot share screen shots in comments so here is the proof of the court case etc and which Senator is involved in this push for truth.


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So glad you woke up to the whole charade of lies and debauchery that the medical industry practices every second of the day and have done so since the beginning. You may want to look at my latest post that I made on my substack I am looking at the outcomes and just what warp speed meant and how some of us were triggered with Trump's bio metric speech etc also evidence why it appears that some are emitting blue tooth and also links to others who have been fighting this synthetic tech for many, many years. No it's not supplements and I am not selling anything, just simply sharing information that is important. https://sharonoz.substack.com/p/looks-like-antennae-in-the-injected

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I live in Baltimore. Temporary beds were set up in our convention center. There was no need because they were never used for Covid people and provided only temporary beds for a few homeless. I do not know one person who died from Covid. My aunt and uncle, healthy people in their 80s, contracted Covid, in theory, and recovered. I knew there was something wrong but could not believe the government would lie. Now, I know better.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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I turned my life over to self-sufficiency in 2020, determined to do everything I could to fight back against a system that used people's dependence to corral and cull them. In the C21st, humans have become the livestock.

"The 4th Industrial Revolution will ride in on the coattails of enclosure and starvation, just as its predecessor did."

The Value of Living Crisis: https://walkingwithgoats.substack.com/p/the-value-of-living-crisis

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They are really trying to block your website kept telling me it’s not secure not allowed to enter

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I noticed that, my web host is awesome and pro-free speech/freedom/medical freedom. If it goes down, he will get it back up.

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I knew it was secure went through, and I have bought a bunch of T-shirts

❤️ and give them to all my un Jabbed friends who love them

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As a nurse that lost her job because of not lining up to get that jab and is now working in the world of medical appeals, dealing with coding at home. I love your unique perspective I can’t wait till the book comes out. My life will never be the same. I lost the job I loved, but never one day of regret. It just makes me sick that they’re still forcing things, this year at our hospital If you do not get the flu shot, you have to wear a mask. Such garbage. I guess I’m glad that I work at home because I’m not getting anything ever. I work in oncology the amount of young people that we are now seeing with these turbo cancers it’s horrific. It’s so disheartening to see it at this distance and the drugs they pump into them that are causing more side effects for more drugs.

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