Watched your conversation "Hard right, not the easy turn" earlier today.

Watched the earlier convo until I heard about the coding for Death By Duck issue and posted the first clip below in the comment section on the Rumble version.

Posting it here in case you didn't check comments there and can use a comedic palate cleanser.

The Duck Story starts at about 1:45 in, but the first 1:45 are pretty funny too...and the rest of the Newspaper Stories clip is funny, too.

I'll post another clip so you can get another glimpse at Ron in earlier times.

The Death by Duck Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omhnw2f_pjs&t=6s

Suicide with a Bolt-Action 22 cal. Rifle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRvRsHVuvk

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Palantir also controls much of the North American power grid - which emits massive amounts of dirty electricity and harvests our energy . Why I turn the power off, especially at night when I sleep.

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OmG. MUCH worse than I suspected....now my anger is through the roof.

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Thanks for doing the leg work on this stuff. Memorizing all those agencies and programs and how they interconnect is not something I excel at. Glad there's people like you in the world.

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Something that's been on my mind for awhile... I find it very curious that Natural Language Programming has the same acronym as Neuro Linguistic Programming. Especially since Cybernetics (highly recommend the doc, "The Minds of Men" on Truthstream Media) grew up concurrently with the MK Ultra programs, and computers in general. That being said, Neural Linguistic Programming was created by two guys (Bandler and Grinder) with benevolent intentions, that purposefully kept their healing modality away from government regulation, because they know how they love to bastardize and monetize healing practices. So my question is, what's the story behind Natural Language Programming. Clif High uses it in his software work. He doesn't ordinarily like to use corrupt systems if he can help it. 🤔

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Natural Language Processing**

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The AMA did extensive research on AI before informing members (they call it augmented intelligence to avoid the creep factor of AI) it wouldn't surprise me if natural linguistic processing and natural language processing are the same thing. A software development engineer told me he was working with AI before he realized it was AI because they didn't call it that back then.

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Think of all the DNA samples these demons gathered with each test.

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Thank you for your insight. I have been writing some on data collection as it relates to the transgender scandal. The timelines, methods and orgs mentioned are similar (AHIMA, Epic, MITRE members) For the trans scandal they track, monitor and I suspect share what are called social determinants of health (SDOH) or sexual orientation and gender identity data. Without EMRs and data collected via things like mental health assessments they would never have been able to build this giant industry. The data purports evidence but it is all a scam. I am not quite clear on how all of this relates but I sense nefarious things are afoot. I look forward to the follow up.


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Social determinants of health was the next big push for data collection. The hospital I used to work for that performed sex change operations wouldn’t do it without a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria”. That is the code I would pull for statistical analysis, but it is not a social determinant of health. The interesting thing about SDOH is that a doctor doesn’t have to make an official diagnosis. That data can be collected from nurse notes or anywhere in the record.

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Interesting. 'Gender dysphoria' is a scam diagnosis. There is a goal to remove the stigma around 'transgender' and get it out of the DSM altogether. SDOH/SOGI data would be a way to make 'transgender' just another type of human. The law is framing it around 'civil rights' while what is amounts to is affording the medical industry the 'right' to mutilate human bodies. Thanks for shining a light on the data scam.

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Wow, that's incredible. Thank you for doing this. The EWC purportedly once had 6 genders aboard their vessels. This 100s of genders or whatever is a negotiation tactic to get their inhuman system back and out in the open. John Money and Alfred Kinsey are/were psychopaths of the highest order.

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The good news is that I don't think this worked out as planned. Not lethal enough. This is just an opinion, though, based on the local hysteria and how not all that much happened, at least in my area. There were plenty of hospital beds available, and I think I stated before that I do not know one person who died. Plus, I just do not think our government is competent enough to pull this pandemic off systematically, but only chaotic and disorganized. What it did do is screw up royally the Social Security disability program, probably for good, and facilitated voting fraud which gave us an absolute idiot of a President, who is a 100% corrupt influence peddler and warmonger. Not a Trump fan either, but he never reached 100%, in my humble opinion. 'Nuff said.

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Propaganda Girl - could you elaborate on how it screwed up the SS disability program?

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How do I count the ways. Too much to elaborate in detail, but it created a backlog and resulted in the permanent establishment of telephone (mostly) and video hearings on appeal rather than in-person hearings. The latter are a constitutional right and more professional. Most of the time nowadays, the Judge cannot even see the claimant who is appealing a denial.

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I think it’s all a farce- there would be no humanly way to “contact trace” everyone- they don’t have the amount of staff it would take etc…. Something is awry

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There's seemingly no way... And yet, at an even higher level the elite psychos want to inventory and categorize every single fucking thing on the planet and beyond, right down to every grain of sand. Seriously. No hyperbole. It's a very strange thing; a very strange anti-human ...or more aptly put, "non-human" agenda that we are witnessing here. It's a good thing it is being destroyed. With a shriek and a gasp, and a violent thrashing about, but it is dissolving.

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Stephanie - Please consider the possibility that you have this opinion because you don’t WANT to believe that such a thing is possible. In other words, your opinion may be based upon wishful thinking, rather than reality.

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You are welcome to your opinion, but if you read the article, you would have learned it wasn't done by people, it was done through phone apps and AI. I cited the source documents from the companies who built it. The evidence is in their own words in black and white. You don't have to take my word for it.

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If we could post photos in comments I could show you that contact tracing literally WAS happening. Without my consent. Google Chrome Analytics revealed the mechanism: apparently through a website(?)/API(?) called “theverge.com”. I’ll send the screenshot to Zowe, maybe she’ll post it…

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Jun 10
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Good to know, however, I'd bet even the doctor doesn't realize it is always listening and the transcript is stored on amazon"s servers for eternity.

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