Hi Zowe, I tried to order a physical copy of your book but you don't ship to Australia - they have options for overseas shipping but it gives an error message :(

Really interested in your work - I have always said that the truth is in the medical coding.

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Contact me at zowe@thrillkillmedicalcult.com and we can work out a form of payment and I can ship you a book. My web host advised that not ship internationally yet but I have sent one book to Australia. You can help me test international shipping 🍀

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Sep 21Liked by Zowe

The trailer is hilarious. I read your account on how it all started. I'm a nurse. I followed the stories from unconventional sources, the only ones that would tell the truth or were looking for it.

I ordered the e-book to get me started. Congrats on your book, brave Zowe.

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I think filming the trailer is the only fun Zowe had in the whole process of publishing the book.😳 Glad you were amused 😊

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Thank you 🙏

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They said they didn't agree with my conclusions and that the book has the power to make people loose faith in the government and healthcare. They didn't check a single reference and disagreed with my observations of the hospital protocols.

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Good stuff Zowe. What was the reason Trine Day gave for passing on publishing your book? That’s surprising to me.

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That line in scene 6 is nearly verbatim from the rejection letter Trineday sent. "Our dog ate the manuscript" was my rewrite of their initial claim that the editor had a "computer malfunction" and lost the file.

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