If you’ve come to this Substack titled “Thrill Kill Medical Cult,” chances are you’ve already ventured down a rabbit hole or two. Cheers to you for being hungry for knowledge and doing your own research! One of those rabbit holes may have informed you about a little drug called Zidovudine, more commonly known as AZT. If you are unfamiliar with the story of Fauci and the drug AZT, let’s go back in time to review the pertinent facts.
Scary Pandemic Announcements & Emergency Use Authorizations
AZT was originally a failed chemotherapy drug discovered by Jerome Horowitz in 1964. Thought useless due to its severe toxicity, the drug was tossed in the garbage bin and nearly forgotten. That is, until Mr. Fauci and Robert Gallo declared HIV a public health emergency in 1984. There were only about 3000 cases at the time. Hardly a drop in the bucket, but the decree of a public health emergency created mass panic regardless.
The number of cases of people living with HIV was so low during the early stages of the epidemic that many pharma companies were reluctant to develop a treatment product for fear of lack of return on investment. Fauci and Gallo continued to pump up the fear factor of a deadly epidemic, which sparked a race to find a drug that could fight the dreaded HIV nonetheless. A pharmaceutical company named Burrows Wellcome was first across the finish line with their drug AZT, brand name Retrovir.
At the time, it was the quickest drug approval in history, achieving approval within a span of just under two years. Most drugs take about 8–10 years to reach the FDA approval stage. AZT on the other hand, was fast tracked. On the surface, the study demonstrated that the AZT group had fewer deaths than the placebo group. Conditional approval was granted based on initial findings from an abbreviated study.
The ‘Benefits Outweigh the Risk’ Slogan
It was discovered shortly after approval that the participants and physicians in the double-blind study were unblinded early on. Clinical trials were a complete disaster, lacking any discernible scientific method, yet the study still demonstrated danger signals that were ignored. The benefit of providing potentially life-saving medications outweighed the risk of not having a treatment at all. It is the “benefits outweigh the risk” argument that was used in 1986 to pass the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
As the story goes, AZT became the only drug on the market for HIV “treatment”. Doctors prescribed AZT to anyone who came up positive for HIV, before symptoms ever appeared. Another word for that is asymptomatic spread. There was no evidence to support using AZT as a preventative, but if the drug worked to ‘treat’ AIDS once the disease was advanced, maybe it could stop HIV from progressing into AIDS. This proved to be a deadly mistake for many HIV/AIDS victims because it was the toxic effects of AZT that caused AIDS.
Any doubts Burrows Wellcome had over the profitability of AZT subsided as sales began to soar. They were concerned that the low number of AIDS cases would not translate into enough sales to support the product. For better or worse, their gamble to move forward with AZT paid off. The FDA’s lenient approval process for AZT assured Burrows Wellcome had a monopoly on the market. Not only that, but the drug was the most expensive drug ever marketed in its day.
Those who received a positive HIV test result were afraid they would die if they didn’t get treatment for HIV. The only treatment was Wellcome’s extremely expensive drug, AZT. HIV victims and their families applied pressure to Burrows Wellcome to reduce the cost. Reluctantly, Wellcome agreed to price reductions.
Protocols That Authorize Medical Murder for Profit
If the tale of Fauci and AZT is giving you déjà vu, it is for a good reason. In the year 2020, another public health emergency was declared, by the WHO, this time and with Fauci’s assistance at the helm of the NIAID. Another public health emergency with a staggeringly low number of cases. Covid-19 was defined as a collection of common, non-specific symptoms and a test. People could allegedly be infected and spread it for up to 14 days. Remember they told us you can have HIV, and not know you have it, but still spread it to others? There’s that asymptomatic spread again. A fact that made Kary Mullis wonder how a disease could be so deadly (AIDS was declared to be 100% fatal in 1984) if someone could live long enough to raise a child before they even know they have the disease?
The NIH published a protocol for treating Covid-19 that involved exclusively using a drug called Remdesivir. Any potential alternative drugs were heavily discouraged or simply banned. Remdesivir was approved rapidly under EUA authorization, similar to how AZT was fast-tracked and approved without the usual required testing.
Remdesivir was originally developed for Ebola in 2017. It was not a forgotten toxic chemotherapy drug like AZT, but it was found to be deadly in 2018 long before its release. In 2019, Gilead worked with the DOD, WHO, CDC, and NIAID to fight coronaviruses with Remdesivir as quickly as possible. Soon, they had a patent and a new technology bonus built-in. The CARES Act also ensured bonuses for “new Covid treatments.” By that, it almost exclusively meant bonuses for Remdesivir. Financial incentives to use an exclusive ‘miracle’ drug against the scary Covid pandemic. Gilead had a product that couldn't lose.
A monopoly was created on Remdesivir, just like Wellcome had on AZT. Sales from AZT helped Wellcome gain market share until it merged with Glaxo, and then Smith-Kline-Beecham to become Glaxo-Smith-Kline, the biggest drug company. Now known simply as GSK. Gilead is following in GSK’s footsteps while happily raking in billions in sales from Remdesivir (brand name Veklury).
The Remedy is Worse than the Disease
The deadly effects of Remdesivir in combination with the application of ventilators caused patients to experience what the media told us was severe Covid-19 disease. Dr. Bryan Ardis does a fantastic job describing how Remdesivir causes kidney and other organ failure, which leads to pulmonary edema. Once the edema sets in, ventilator treatment is almost inevitable. Ventilation comes with another deadly concoction of drugs that shuts down the respiratory muscles and causes respiratory failure. It was a deadly protocol that few people escaped.
During both the Covid and AIDS public health emergencies, a pandemic of fear ensued, and the drugs meant to treat the dreaded disease, caused the very disease people were afraid of.
This is how a known toxic drug came to be prescribed to masses of asymptomatic victims that died from the treatment, not the disease.
“Anthony Fauci said in 1988 that AZT was the “only hope” for HIV/AIDS patients, when in reality it was their death sentence… Fool me once, Anthony Fauci; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.” How AZT Killed My Brother
There is a reason for the old saying “the remedy is worse than the disease”. They really are trying to kill us.
Other Articles in this Series:
From AIDS to COVID 1984
Covid PCR Fraud was Pulled from the HIV Playbook
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You were meant to be free, but you have to claim it!
-Zowe Smith
Beyond belief.
People should read Harvard educated Dr. Nancy Banks book on AIDS scam and Dr. Rebecca Culshaw book on AIDS.
How can a virus infect homosexuals in Western countries and heterosexuals in Africa? “Those who make you believe in absurdity can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Thanks for writing this. I've thought about doing it myself. Here's a comment for you: "In 1972, Fauci started as a senior researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He was drawn to investigating ailments that were difficult but not impossible to treat. 'I wanted something that could make you very sick and kill you unless I intervened. And if I intervene, you’re essentially cured,' he told Ushma Neill, the editor of Journal of Clinical Investigation, in 2014." https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/04/20/how-anthony-fauci-became-americas-doctor