Presentation for Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics
I’d like to thank
for the referral to the group. Please visit for information on how the VAERS database is not being transparent and to learn other important safety signals the untrustworthy public health alphabet agencies are deliberately withholding from
Health Resources and Services Administration “COVID-19 Claims Reimbursement” archived beginning May 20, 2020
Official Coding Guidelines FY2020, Section 1, C. 1.(Chapter 1) b. pg 23
DHHS & CMS Claims Processing Manual April 24, 2020. See Page 2
CARES Act 116th Congress March, 27 2020
DRG and MCC payment system explained
*Not shown* More on add-on Payment available through CARES Act for Covid treatments, including Remdesivir. Federal register published 11/6/2020
Full article Gov Doug Ducey orders Arizona hospitals to begin Increasing bed capacity amid coronavirus pandemic
Full PDF of original document
Originally Published in Deadly Hospital Protocols. I can’t recall now which article I pulled this diagram from. It accurately shows the difference in reporting before and after the update, which can be verified in the official coding guidelines and updates published by the CDC, federal register, HHS, AMA, and other medical advisory affiliates.
Section 1, C. 1. g pg 28
See Section 2, H pg 109 (it repeats in Section 3, C Pg 111)
Section 1. C. 1. a)1 pg 20
This topic gets a full 2 part video interview with Dave Rasnick. It’s packed with a ton of life-changing info. Ran into complications with edit. Watch for it posted here soon and I will update this article with the link.
*Not shown* More on add-on Payment available through CARES Act for Covid treatments, including remdesivir. Federal register published 11/6/2020
“Using the ICD-10-PCS New Technology Section Codes”
Full Article: Gilead Applied for hospital add-on payment for remdesivir
*not shown* “Gilead Announces Results from Phase 3 Trial on Investigational Antiviral Remdesivir in Patients with Severe COVID-19” Published April 29, 2020
At the end of the interview during the Q & A, A woman tells me that I might be discredited because I am explaining the remdesivir part wrong. She was concerned that I wasn’t including information on how remdesivir causes other organs like your liver to shut down also. She points out there are other symptoms of edema before the fluid reaches the lungs. As you can see in this drug reference chart, she is correct that remdeivir also causes decreased liver function. However, you notice it comes out and says acute kidney injury right in the description. That is the reason nobody brings up that remdesivir causes liver failure too, it happens after the kidney failure sets in usually. Also by that point the patient is often on a ventilator and given a deadly concoction of many other drugs, which makes isolating the effects of remdesivir beyond that difficult.
Yale describes how AKI leads to pulmonary edema
Here is Dr Bryan Ardis saying it from his own mouth, about the 8:10 min mark.
Notice 4 things about this chart.
AKI Acute kidney injury, or kidney failure that comes on suddenly, was relatively steady up to approximately the end of 2020.
The number of AKI excess deaths sharply increases about the same time as the Remdesivir new tech bonus was implemented.
The movie VAXXED 3 Authorized to Kill asserts that the unvaccinated were targeted. What caused the drastic increase in AKI excess deaths in 2021, the same year the Covid mRNA shots were deployed.
The number of excess AKI deaths has not come down to baseline yet, that means death by hospital protocol is still happening.
John Beaudoin Sr, Author of The Real CDC
The time for implementing a new code for drug and vaccines is during the clinical trials. Often an existing code will do, if a new code needs to be published it should be published before the clinical trial begins. The codes are meant to be used during the trials as a way of collecting safety data. In 2020, during Operation Warp Speed would have been the perfect time, but it didn’t happen. Covid MRNA vaccines were developed at warp speed with limited safety trials using a product never before used on humans. Yet there was no code to report vaccine injuries specifically due to Covid vaccines, as would have been a coders due diligence to report. This system would have caught every patient, every time. As opposed to the voluntary and far from transparent VAERS. Injuries and deaths reported by VAERS are under-reported by an order of magnitude.
This had two major impacts.
1. It prevented reports of injuries and death due to Covid vaccines from being reported. It is hiding a needle in a haystack by manipulating the disease statistics to appear as though injuries and deaths could have been due to any vaccine. This creates additional work for researchers who then have to cross reference the data with vaccine history to determine, of all of the vaccines that person received during their life, which one could have been responsible?
It created the illusion that injuries and deaths during 2021, were all unvaccinated.
Full announcement MLM12578 effective April 1 2022
Full Article: FOIA Requests Uncover Secret CDC Vaccination Status System
CDC announcement on wayback machine
From “Updates 3 and 4” document on WHO website
Full FOIA Document
Try it yourself here
The full JAHIMA article is behind a paywall for members only. I backed it up on the wayback machine in full here
Full letter to Congress by Elizabeth Warren July 1 2020
*Not shown* Another article over privacy concerns over registry data. Lots more where that came from.
Zarei, J., Badavi, M., Karandish, M. et al. “A study to design minimum data set of COVID-19 registry system”. BMC Infect Dis 21, 773 (2021).
Zarei, J., Badavi, M., Karandish, M. et al. “A study to design minimum data set of COVID-19 registry system”. BMC Infect Dis 21, 773 (2021).
Zarei, J., Badavi, M., Karandish, M. et al. “A study to design minimum data set of COVID-19 registry system”. BMC Infect Dis 21, 773 (2021).
Full Document linked here to wayback machine but also available on CDC archive if you can find it.
Full article: America’s Health Data Ecosystem
Full article: LabCorp and Ciox Health Enter Ciox Enter Collaboration to Create Comprehensive Patient Data Registry
Full Article: BGI Genomcis, Intel, Lenovo Form research Alliance to Decode Covid-19
Full Artcile HHS Threatens to Cut Off Funding for US Hospitals
Full Article Palantir’s Tiberius Race, and the Public Health Panopticon
Full Article CDC Partners with Palantir
*Not shown* Palantir Reveals Tiberius System Will Prioritize COVID-19 Vaccines
Keep calm and do not comply
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